Sundesh is dedicated to the holistic development of government schools within a cluster of villages in Uttar Pradesh. In 2023, Sundesh inaugurated the first model senior secondary school in the village of Khichra under its Parivartan project, starting with 333 students. The primary focus of this project was to identify gaps in the education system and address them through multi-level, integrated school-level development.
Infrastructure Deficiencies:
Nearly 25% of government schools in India lack basic infrastructure such as
boundary walls, proper classrooms, and separate toilets for boys and girls
(Ministry of Human Resource Development).
Dropout Rates: The average
dropout rate for secondary education in government schools across India is
around 17% (Unified District Information System for Education). Sundesh's
interventions have significantly reduced this rate in the schools we support, showcasing
a tangible impact on student retention and educational continuity.
WASH Facilities: Approximately
24% of government schools do not have access to functional WASH facilities,
directly impacting student health and attendance (Annual Status of Education
Pass Rates: On average, the
pass rate for students in government schools is around 70-80%. The significant
improvement to a 98% pass rate in the Khichra school demonstrates the impact of
Sundesh's comprehensive development initiatives, highlighting the efficacy of
our programs in enhancing educational outcomes.
This year, in phase 2 of Khichra schools, we provided desk
bench for 160 more students as the enrollment increased from 333 to 656.
Additionally, 16 CCTV cameras were installed in the school on the demand of the
school authorities to set up a board exam center for the students. Along with
this, the second school in village Narayanpur Vasaka was identified and
refurbished with facilities like desk bench, BaLA painting, open gym,
sanitation, painting, and water facility, benefiting 141 students, making it a
Model school. These efforts underscore our commitment to fostering educational
excellence and inclusivity in government schools.