


The need for veterinary services is evident, with farmers requiring timely and effective care for their livestock. By offering these services, we aim to support local farmers’ livelihoods and improve the well-being and profitability of their cattle.

Since 2011, Sundesh has dedicated itself to enhancing breed quality for the cattle in the community and offering comprehensive veterinary care. Numerous families and 4204 cattle have benefited from our initiative. In the fiscal year 2023-24 alone, we administered critical care to 1187 cattle, carried out 269 artificial insemination procedures to improve breed quality. Additionally, we organized 40 Farmer Awareness Meetings and veterinary camps across 8 villages. Ayurvet Limited generously supported our cause by funding medicines, remuneration for Animal Health Advisors and Paravets, and related administrative expenses. 

Our objective is to enhance the financial stability of farmers in Sundesh by providing them access to excellent veterinary care and enabling the improvement of cattle breeds. Key activities include providing comprehensive veterinary care for cattle, conducting artificial insemination procedures for breed enhancement, holding farmer awareness meetings, and organizing veterinary camps across eight villages.

Major Accomplishments:
• 4204 farmers benefitted from our Veterinary Services.