Rumali w/o Nanka is a resident of village Chouna. She works as a T.B.A. in the village with the help of Sundesh. She is the member of a self help group names ‘Khushi” where she deposits 200rs. per month. She took 10,000rs. As a loan from the SHG and bought a pair of a Buck and a Doe (goats). The pair gave birth to 4 female goats, out of which Rumali sold 2 and kept the rest with her. She uses the goat milk in her household and procures the fodder for the goats to feed them timely. Her daughter-in-law and grandchildren take care of the offspring of the goats. Now Rumali and her family are not conditioned to buy pasteurized milk from the market. Moreover, if someone is suffering from Dengue in her neighbourhood, Rumali renders a helping hand by giving the goat’s milk as a remedy for the cure of the disease. Rumali now displays a mesmerizing smile as her dream of rearing goats has become a reality. She is thankful to Sundesh and heartily expresses her gratitude.